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My goal is not just to save names and dates but the history as well. If you have any anecdotes or interesting stories about any of your (our) ancestors I would love to hear them. I value your input. Corrections, additions, photos, comments/anecdotes and suggestions are appreciated and welcome! If you need to contact me please use the comment form on the home page. Thanks for stopping by.
DISCLAIMER: Portions of this family history have been submitted by others and essentially transcribed as received. My research is on going and every effort is being made to verify all data acquired, regardless of the source. However, no guarantee is given as to the accuracy of any entry in this site or its data. The author therefore accepts no responsibility or liability in the event any entry, in full or in part is subsequently found to be inaccurate or incomplete. As always I welcome your input or questions. If you need to contact me please use the contact form on the home page.
Copyright © Kenneth A. Nagel. All rights reserved. The reproduction of anything in these pages for commercial gain or for personal use on commercial web sites is not permitted. Reproduction for personal use especially in family history matters is welcome.